Developing Your Story


Brand Content

Content builds brands like nothing else builds brands. It’s not your logo or your tagline. It’s the stories you tell and share. Check out the work samples below, following the Strategy, Creation, Distribution model.

Customer Loyalty Magazine


Strategy: Remind American consumers that Suzuki is alive and well. When the Auto division of Suzuki Motor of America Inc. declared bankruptcy, motorcycles dealers and consumers murmuring about the state of Suzuki’s venerable motorcycle products. The Motorcycle/ATV division needed a solution that would tell American riders that Suzuki’s motorcycle and ATV division was alive and well.

Creative: HansenHouse Content was hired to produce a four-color glossy print magazine with high production quality. American consumers understand that magazines take time and effort to produce - that’s not something a bankrupt manufacturer would do. With original and engaging content, On Suzuki magazine celebrated owners, riders and their products. We wrote about Suzuki riders, photographed beautiful riding locations, and promoted products honestly.

Distribution: On Suzuki had a mailed circulation of 80,000 copies each issue, plus distribution at events and in Suzuki dealerships. The print-only distribution model gave readers time to engage with the printed piece, and it gave dealers and Suzuki event staff the opportunity to physically hand enthusiasts a substantial magazine.

Advocate Stories Video

Strategy: Build brand for this new manufacturer of martial arts flooring by connecting to top industry athletes. We wanted to make the most of the strong relationships between Fuji and world champion martial artists, and show action on the mats.

Creative: Working on a small budget and tight timeline, we created two series of videos, all shot in one day with small crew, two video cameras and a still camera. Videos were created during regular business hours, adding to the authenticity of the action while creating minimal interference for the athletes and their business. Is this the ideal production scenario? No. Can it work? Yes, if the creator (that’s me) understands the subject, has patience, and appreciates the larger goal.

Distribution: We produced these videos in two lengths, one for easy sharing on Instagram (back when it had limits) and one for use on the Fuji website. We created matching imagery and screenshots for the brand to use on any social media platform.

Retail-Focused Service Content


Strategy: Chaparral Motorsports, a massive retailer of powersports products, wanted customers to spend more time with its expensive catalog. The retailer produced catalogs four times per year, and wanted to make them more than just product reference pieces.

Creative: Mixing a journalistic approach with a product-marketing mindset, HansenHouse created stories - how-to guides or product technical content - designed to inform, entertain, and sell. We produced expertly written stories and professional photography to promote Chaparral products and publish them directly in the catalog sales space.

Distribution: The retailer handled catalog distribution as it always did, but we made sure to advise the customer to promote this content on the catalog cover, and in other ways. It took the opportunity to produce a couple videos while we shot photos for content creation. The result? Customers ordered products while reading the content we produced (like the one shown here), and they told the sales staff that during the order process.